




京都賃貸、 ancient city of Japan, is a popular destination for tourists and students alike. Its stunning temples, gardens, and Geisha culture make it a unique and fascinating place to explore. However, finding a place to live in Kyoto can be a challenge, especially for foreigners. In this article, we will delve into the world of 京都賃貸 (Kyoto rental apartments) and provide valuable insights for those looking to rent an apartment in this beautiful city.


Types of 京都賃貸

交通の便もかなりよく、東西へは東海道新幹線や東海道本線、北部には山陰本線、南部には近鉄京都線を使うと便利です。 地下鉄も走っているので、移動するのに困ることはまずありませんが、他の市町村ではあまり交通の便がよくない地域もあります。 隣接都道府県:三重県、奈良県、滋賀県、福井県、兵庫県、大阪府。 京都府内の賃貸マンション・賃貸アパートの賃貸住宅物件を多数掲載! 人気エリア、路線・駅、学校名、家賃、間取りなどの条件から物件検索!

※この口コミは、Webアンケートで集められた意見です。 内容には、回答者の個人的・主観的な表現を含むものがございます。 あくまでも参考材料のひとつとしてご活用頂くことを推奨させて頂きます。

お部屋探しのおともに、是非ご活用ください。 地域密着コラム、生活コラム、トレンド情報その他、賃貸物件を選ぶ際に「知っておきたい」「知って得をする」旬な情報を皆様にお届けいたします。 京都駅の近隣駅の賃貸家賃相場をご確認できます。 各駅の賃料相場を比較して、お部屋探しにお役立てください。 このデータは「SUUMO」に登録されている賃貸物件の賃料を元に独自の集計ロジックによって算出しています。 掲載中物件の平均金額とは異なる場合があり、その正確性について保証するものではありません。


京都市中心部の繁華街が人気ですが、観光客の姿が少ない郊外もまた、落ち着いていて暮らしやすくおススメです。 駅徒歩圏は5~15分ほどの物件が多めです。 「関西版賃貸」ページで「家賃相場から探す→沿線・駅の相場から探す→県名→希望沿線」を選択すると、各駅の間取り別平均家賃が分かります。 市内にはファミリーだけでなく、学生の姿も非常に多く見かけられます。 はんなり、そしてのびのびした空気が流れています。

When it comes to 京都賃貸, there are several types of apartments to choose from, each catering to different needs and budgets. The most common types of apartments include:

  • アパートメント (apartmento): A self-contained unit with a kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.
  • シェアハウス (shea haus): A shared apartment with private bedrooms and common areas such as a kitchen and living room.
  • ゲストハウス (guesuto haus): A guesthouse or hostel-style accommodation with shared facilities.

Things to Consider When Renting a 京都賃貸

Before signing a lease for a 京都賃貸, there are several things to consider. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:


Location is key: Consider the proximity to public transportation, schools, and amenities such as supermarkets and hospitals.


Size and layout: Think about the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you need, as well as the overall size of the apartment.

Facilities and amenities: Do you need air conditioning, a washing machine, or internet access?

Budget: Determine how much you can afford to pay per month and factor in additional costs such as utilities and security deposits.

Where to Find 京都賃貸

Finding the right 京都賃貸 can be a daunting task, especially for those who don’t speak Japanese. Here are some resources to help you get started:

Online rental platforms: Websites such as GaijinPot and Japan Property Central offer a wide range of 京都賃貸 listings.

Real estate agents: Local real estate agents can provide valuable insights and assistance in finding the perfect apartment.

Networking: Ask friends, colleagues, and fellow students for recommendations or advice on finding a 京都賃貸.

By considering these factors and resources, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect 京都賃貸 for your needs and budget. Happy hunting!






  • 京都市内は、観光客や学生、ビジネスマンなど多くの人々がライフスタイルを享受しに来るため、賃貸需要が高まりしています。
  • 賃貸物件の選択肢は多いですが、人気のあるエリアや駅近くの物件はすぐに出て行きます。
  • 京都の賃貸市場は、シーズンによって需要が変動します。




  • 京都駅前エリア:京都駅周辺は、観光客やビジネスマンに人気のあるエリアです。
  • 四条河原町エリア:거리の中心にあり、京都を代表する繁華街です。
  • 烏丸御池エリア:京都大学の近くにあり、学生や研究者に人気のあるエリアです。



  • 町家賃貸:古い町家を改修した賃貸物件で、伝統的な京都の雰囲気を味わえます。
  • マンション賃貸:新しいマンションで、生活環境が整っている賃貸物件です。
  • シェアハウス賃貸:複数の部屋を共有する賃貸物件で、コミュニティー形成に適しています。



  • インターネット:京都賃貸の情報を探すには、インターネットを活用します。
  • 仲介業者:賃貸仲介業者は、京都賃貸の情報を揃えてくれます。
  • 地域の情報:地域の情報を活用することで、賃貸物件の情報を揃えられます。



  • Q:京都市内の賃貸物件は高いですか?
  • A:京都市内の賃貸物件は、エリアや設備によって料金が異なります。
  • Q:京都賃貸の契約期間は何ですか?
  • A:京都賃貸の契約期間は、最低1ヶ月から最大2年間です。


京都の魅力的な賃貸住宅を探索 kurtul

Discover the Charm of Kyoto’s Rental Housing


Kyoto, a city steeped in tradition and history, is a popular destination for tourists and students alike. However, finding the perfect rental housing in Kyoto can be a daunting task, especially for foreigners. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of 京都賃貸 (Kyoto rental housing) and explore the charms of Kyoto’s rental properties.

What Makes Kyoto Rental Housing Unique?

Kyoto’s rental housing offers a unique blend of traditional and modern features that set it apart from other cities. Here are some of the characteristics that make Kyoto rental housing stand out:

  • Traditional machiya townhouses: Many rental properties in Kyoto are traditional machiya townhouses, which offer a glimpse into the city’s rich cultural heritage.
  • Modern amenities: While maintaining their traditional charm, many Kyoto rental properties come equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, internet, and appliances.
  • Convenient locations: Kyoto’s rental properties are often located in convenient areas, making it easy to explore the city’s famous landmarks and cultural attractions.
  • Rich cultural experiences: Living in Kyoto provides a unique opportunity to experience the city’s vibrant cultural scene, including traditional festivals, tea ceremonies, and temples.

Types of Kyoto Rental Housing

Kyoto offers a range of rental housing options to suit different needs and budgets. Here are some of the most popular types of Kyoto rental housing:

  1. Studio apartments (ワンルーム): Compact and affordable, studio apartments are ideal for single occupants or short-term rentals.
  2. One-bedroom apartments (ワンバス): Slightly larger than studio apartments, one-bedroom apartments are suitable for individuals or couples.
  3. Shared houses (シェアハウス): Shared houses offer a communal living space and are popular among students and young professionals.
  4. Furnished apartments (家具付きアパート): Furnished apartments come with basic furniture and appliances, making them a convenient option for short-term rentals.
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are some commonly asked questions about Kyoto rental housing:

    What is the average rent in Kyoto?
    The average rent in Kyoto varies depending on the location and type of property, but expect to pay around ¥80,000-¥150,000 per month for a one-bedroom apartment.
    Do I need to speak Japanese to rent an apartment in Kyoto?
    While it’s not necessary to speak Japanese, having a basic understanding of the language can be helpful in finding and renting an apartment.
    What kind of documents do I need to rent an apartment in Kyoto?
    You’ll typically need to provide proof of income, identification, and a guarantor (if necessary) to rent an apartment in Kyoto.


    Kyoto’s rental housing offers a unique and enriching experience for those looking to immerse themselves in the city’s vibrant culture. From traditional machiya townhouses to modern apartments, there’s a Kyoto rental property to suit every need and budget. With its rich cultural heritage, modern amenities, and convenient locations, Kyoto rental housing is an attractive option for anyone looking to make the most of their time in this captivating city.